Thursday, February 24, 2011

When in the Peacock, SUBTLY!

When in the Peacock, SUBTLY!

According to the urban dictionary the word peacocking refers to when a male dresses for attention. His outfit would typically consist of vibrant colors and/or different textures, delivering a unique look that stands out. Just like peacocks using their features to get a mate.

I am a complete advocate when it comes to men wearing color. Men can have a cool style of their own with color and texture without overdoing it. However, male or female, unless you are a world recognized performer there is no reason for one to dress like a Real peacock!

Here are examples of what NOT to wear:

Especially hospital booties! This is a NO, NO!

After some research I decided to adopt these Gucci Men's High-Top Sneakers for A-Glo' Boutique. Though, I prefer a man to dress a little more east cost. Fitted jeans and button down shirts along with a great blazer, I can appreciate the style of a cool laid back bad boy.

Here are several reasons why I really like these:

Reason numero uno: They come in fives different colors! Purple, Hunter Green, Cobalt (AKA blue above), Lime Green and Turquoise. All the colors can be worn Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. They are subtle enough to not look like, "Hey look at that guy," but, cool enough to be like, "Hey check out his cool kicks."

Reason number two: They are well made designer footwear. Most people I know do not mind spending a little more for a great quality shoe. Just like the saying goes, "The shoes make the man."

Number three: Compared to regular retail of these shoes ($395) here we have them for only $249.

In this picture of David Beckham, even though you cannot see his full outfit. The purple Gucci High-Tops would look great here.

And here is a great use of a color sneaker :)

And last: I really like that it is such a simple shoe really. It is not over powered and completely covered in the brand logo. It has the Gucci emblem on the side and in the front of the sole it spells out the brand. Therefore, they are a great and subtle way to do the peacock.

If you are interested in a pair of your own, please email me at and list the size and color you desire.

Once again, thank you for reading my post and I look forward to your comments!  

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